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当前位置:首页 > 新闻资讯 > 企业新闻 > 道地牛膝200吨即将上市
更新时间:2019-08-27 发布:北京农华中药材种植专业合作社


【摘要】:Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge. and Achyranthes bidentata Blume, which propagate with seed, are the traditional Chinese medicine used widely and largely. To date, there are not the rules for seed testing and standards for quality grading for the three medicinal plants. Referring to the International Seed Testing Rules made by ISTA and the Seed Testing for Crops (GB/T3543.1~1995) issued by China, considering the real situation of G. uralensis , S. miltiorrhiza and, A. bidentata cultivation and seed producing, several aspects were addressed about the three plant seed including sampling , the purity analysis, weight determination, determination of moisture content, verification of species, the germination test, test for viability and seed health testing. After above research the methods for every species seed testing have been found out. Based on these methods the rules for every species seed testing was established. According to the rules established, the G. uralensis, S. miltiorrhiza and, A. bidentata seed samples widely collected from major producing areas were tested and the results were analyzed by statistical methods. By K-means cluster the four items, the percentage of seed germination, the weight of 1000 seeds, the purity of seed lot and the moisture content of seeds, which mostly represented the quality of seed were ed as the main standards for seed quality grading. With the standards the quality grading of three species were made and such work lay down sound foundation for the G. uralensis, S. miltiorrhiza and bidentata seed standardization.
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