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当前位置:首页 > 产品大全 > 玩具 > 填充毛绒玩具钥匙扣玩具公仔钥匙扣 更新时间:2014-12-07


供应商 李运明 商 铺
联系人李运明 联系时请一定说明在1024商务网看到

  福名斯  灶形 钥匙扣玩具
 面料材 长毛绒  填充物材 一级棉花
 规格 7*7厘米  包装方式 普通包装
 产地 广东  适用年龄 96个月以上
 使用场合 广告促销  贸易类型 外贸原单
 是否提供加工 是




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!



After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!




After this model of key takes away the plush toy is only then uses the high-quality South Korean country fabric cotton material to add one to lining the fitting, manufactures becomes! The size dimension is 7 centimeters! · yellow! The color is bright! The key buckles for entire environmental protection material manufacture! Tallies completely exports the European standard! Is above a people keys rare ornament! May also make some big companys advertising gift and the present present! The hope likes to look good the general customer friend relates the custom make!

上一条产品:厂家铬粉    下一条产品:琅峰公司生产金属铬粉
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本公司位于深圳市龙岗区爱联村,成立于2006年,有的玩具开板设计师和手袋的开板设计师.  本公司主要生产加工各种毛绒玩具布玩具(婴儿系列玩具饰品玩具成人玩具和小吊饰)简易手袋,各种环保袋电子包装袋高尔夫球袋工具袋体育用品布拖鞋围裙等各种针织系列的衣服(长袖短袖内衣内裤裤头外套等)回收库存针织布拉架布莫代尔布料等。 ...
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