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洋酒批发 礼泡21 成都一点酒到

洋酒批发 礼泡21 成都一点酒到
供应商 测试商家 商 铺
所在地河北省 石家庄市 桥东区 石家庄桥东区
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            In 1801 the Chivas Regal Story begins when Chivas Brothers founded their high class Aberdeen grocery store in the North East of Scotland, providing the local aristocracy with the finest foods and wines. By 1840 James and John Chivas began to create blended Scotch whisky and established a reputation as pioneers in the art of blending In 1843, it was fit for royalty when Queen Victoria moved to her Balmoral Estate in Scotland, she needed a discreet reliable supplier who could provide her with the finest food and drink. She granted her Royal Warrant to Chivas Brothers. In 1909 it was Scotlands 1st authentic luxury blended whisky - Ultimately Chivas Regal was first created in the distinctive house style which was the hallmark of Chivas Brothers. Chivas Regal rapidly gained a following among those who appreciated the finer things of life on both sides of the Atlantic.

Chivas Regal is made with the best grain whisky and malt whiskies from all over Scotland spec ialising in the House style from the Speyside region. The rich and full Strathisla malt whisky coming from the oldest working distillery in the highlands lies at the heart of the Chivas blends In 1801 The Chivas Brothers Company was established by John & James Chivas. In the thriving Granite City, the brothers created a remarkable business, which fully catered for the sophisticated tastes of the time. The shop was often referred to as the Harrods of the Highlands. The Chivas Brothers matured and blended their quality whisky in the cellars at the shop. The Royal Warrant - awarded by Queen Victoria in 1843 was the first of many Royal Warrants granted to Chivas Brothers. After World War II, America was a land of incredible optimism and razzmatazz. The Rat Pack captured the mood of this era more than anyone, and Chivas 

         Regal soon became a symbol of their exuberant creators, John & James Chivas, pioneered the art of blending the best single malt and grain whiskies from the Speyside region to achieve a perfect harmony of flavours. At the heart of Chivas Regal is an extraordinary single malt: the mellow, soft and rich Strathisla, from the oldest and most beautiful working distillery in Speyside. Strathisla provides the core flavour around which the Chivas Regal blend is comed. The Master Blenders skill is to create the Chivas Regal blend around the deep mellowness of Strathisla, using rich soft malts to enhance the Speyside influence. Chivas Regal is triple blended and matured in oak casks for at least 12 years, the result is the worlds smoothest premium Scotch whisky.

Chivas Brothers was founded in 1801 by John & James Chivas, who pioneered the art of Triple Blending to create a smoother, richer rich Strathisla malt whisky, from the oldest working distillery in the Highlands, lies at the heart of the Chivas Regal blend.

Aged for a minimum of 12 years, Chivas Regal is the perfect choice for whisky drinkers with a contagious appetite for life.

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